Friday, 18 December 2015

Week Beginning 14/12/15

I'd like to start the final blog of the term with a massive thank-you to everybody for making this term such a wonderful start to to the academic year. Together we have all learnt lots of new skills, made new friendships and had lots of laughs. Thank-you for all the support from home; from reading to homework, joining in with reading cafes and supporting extra curricular activities and other events. 

Here are a few photographs from the final week of this term...

Enjoying our time and sharing our skills with our reading buddies from Year 4. 

Making marshmallow snowmen...Mmmmm!

 Learning about Spanish Christmas traditions. Ask us about the curious Christmas Spanish tradition we discovered involving these little woody critters! 

 Making Christmas cards and crafts.

 Learning to use our bows in Music. 

Finally, a big well done to Iwan for joining the Headteacher's tea party this week for all his hard work throughout the term. Merry Christmas! 

Friday, 11 December 2015

Week Beginning 7/12/15

The Year 3 class blog this week is brought to you by Mia, Lucia and Ella; with a little help from Miss Palmer!
In maths this week, we have been measuring the perimeter  of 2D shapes. We also learnt
to use a ruler accurately by putting the ruler straight up against the object or line and making sure it starts at 0.  Also, we learnt to measure using decimal points. It looks like  a full stop. Miss Palmer taught us some actions to help remember the units we measure in. A mm is really small, a cm is small, a metre is quite big and a km is very long. We learnt to do adding with calculators which we enjoyed.


We have been extending and adding description to sentences this week. We have been learning how to improve boring sentences. Our advice would be to:
1) Find a boring sentence.
2) Swap any words in the sentence with more powerful ones.
3) Then put in adjectives and adverbs.
4) Finally, if possible, add connectives and verbs to add more detail. 

We have been watching short animations like 'The Bear and the Hare' to inspire us with our work. We have also been learning the different uses for commas.

This week we learnt about physical and man-made features and how different areas have different features. We matched pictures of some famous features of the UK , like the Angel of the North and the Forest of Dean, with their names and then located them on a map using Google Earth.


Music this week was very exciting as we got out our bows for the very first time. We learnt to hold them correctly by practising on a pencil. We could show you our holding technique at home! 

In other news...

The wring competition has been extended for an extra week, so get writing Year 3! We have had lots of story writing practice this half term. I hope to see some fantastic Year 3 entries.

Also, next week is shaping up to be an exciting week in the run up to Christmas. We are looking forward to watching the Early Years and Key Stage 1 Christmas performance next week and our school Christmas dinner on Wednesday. Also, we will be visiting the church on Thursday, so make sure you are wrapped up nice and warm for the walk down the road.

Friday, 4 December 2015

Week Beginning 30/11/15

This weeks blog is brought to you by Lucia, Ella and Miss Palmer.


In maths this week we have been telling the time.We have learnt to tell the time using analogue and digital clocks. We are now well on the way to being able to tell the time to the nearest minute digitally and work out time differences.


This week we have written a whole story! We have written it using paragraphs and fronted adverbials. Our stories had a clear structure and lots of description. Also we watched Pingu to help us with our work! We have been replacing words for said. e.g roared, shouted, screamed, bellowed and lots more. Also, we have been learning how to use speech punctuation correctly. Miss Palmer came up of a game to help us remember which words to include in the speech marks.

Art and Geography

We have been combining our geography and art work this week whilst studying the work of Patrick Heron. We have been looking at maps and satellite images to create abstract paintings (using thick acrylic paint) in bold colours. 

Reading Cafe

This week was also our first reading cafe and what a fantastic turn out! Thank-you so much to all that came. We really enjoyed having the chance to be creative with our family and we produced some stunning, imaginative dragons. 

In other news...

Don't forget that this weekend is the last opportunity to write stories for our story writing competition. All entries must be in this Monday. 

Also, a massive well done to our Year 3 gymnasts for achieving second place in the inter-schools competition.