This is the 3P class blog by Bethanie and Imogen.
In maths this week, we have been adding amounts of money and calculating missing numbers. We found it tricky when we crossed the tens barrier and when we had to add up really big numbers. Even though it was tricky, it was very fun and we got used to it once we practised.
We really enjoyed literacy because we all worked really hard. We were writing our own adverts using persuasive language. We had to make really boring objects sound like they are the best in the world! We performed our adverts to the class.
We also did some special writing which was based on instructions about catching different creatures like giant griffins or cupboard goblins and dinosaurs. It was good to show all the skills we had learnt.
We also did some special writing which was based on instructions about catching different creatures like giant griffins or cupboard goblins and dinosaurs. It was good to show all the skills we had learnt.
In science, we have been working on light and dark. We have been telling the differences between them and looking at how reflecting light behaves. We have also been learning about where the light is coming from (source) before it reflects onto the mirror into our eyes.
In history, we have been learning about the Egyptians and where Egypt is in Africa. We also learnt different places in that country. We have been learning about how successful they were. We were quite sad when our Ancient Greek topic ended but are happy to start our Ancient Egypt topic.
In music we have been learning how to read a few notes on the viola. We learnt about crochets and minims which are music notes. We learnt about calypso music and learnt the song 'Rain on the Green Grass' which we then played on the viola. Ask us to tell you what the different is between a beat, rhythm and metre!
We have been doing some sculpting in art this week. We have been working in response to the artist Antony Gormly. We discussed his work and created our own figures in the style of his piece 'A Field for Britain'. We liked at although all of the figures looked the same from a distance they all have their own unique differences.
We have been doing some sculpting in art this week. We have been working in response to the artist Antony Gormly. We discussed his work and created our own figures in the style of his piece 'A Field for Britain'. We liked at although all of the figures looked the same from a distance they all have their own unique differences.
In other news...
Year 3 received lots of certificates in our wonderful work assembly on Friday. Well done to Erin for achieving her 5m swimming certificate.
This week we had two head teachers awards in Year 3! Fantastic effort girls!
Year 3 received lots of certificates in our wonderful work assembly on Friday. Well done to Erin for achieving her 5m swimming certificate.
Finally, don't forget World Book Day this coming Thursday. The fancy dress challenge is on! Come as your favourite book character complete with 3 clues as to who you are. Prizes for the best costume and clues.