Friday, 26 February 2016

Week Beginning 22/02/16

This is the 3P class blog by Bethanie and Imogen.
In maths this week, we have been adding amounts of money and calculating missing numbers. We found it tricky when we crossed the tens barrier and when we had to add up really big numbers. Even though it was tricky, it was very fun and we got used to it once we practised.
We really enjoyed literacy because we all worked really hard. We were writing our own adverts using persuasive language. We had to make really boring objects sound like they are the best in the world! We performed our adverts to the class.

We also did some special writing which was based on instructions about catching different creatures like giant griffins or cupboard goblins and dinosaurs. It was good to show all the skills we had learnt.
In science, we have been working on light and dark. We have been telling the differences between them and looking at how reflecting light behaves. We have also been learning about where the light is coming from (source) before it reflects onto the  mirror into our eyes.
In history, we have been learning about the Egyptians  and where Egypt  is in Africa. We also learnt different places in that country. We have been learning about how successful they were. We were quite sad when our Ancient Greek topic ended but are happy to start our Ancient Egypt topic.
In music we have been learning how to read a few notes on the viola. We learnt about crochets and minims which are music notes. We learnt about calypso music and learnt the song 'Rain on the Green Grass' which we then played on the viola. Ask us to tell you what the different is between a beat, rhythm and metre!

We have been doing some sculpting in art this week. We have been working in response to the artist Antony Gormly. We discussed his work and created our own figures in the style of his piece 'A Field for Britain'. We liked at although all of the figures looked the same from a distance they all have their own unique differences. 

In other news...

Year 3 received  lots of certificates in our wonderful work assembly on Friday. Well done to Erin for achieving her 5m swimming certificate. 

This week we had two head teachers awards in Year 3! Fantastic effort girls!

Finally, don't forget World Book Day this coming Thursday. The fancy dress challenge is on! Come as your favourite book character complete with 3 clues as to who you are. Prizes for the best costume and clues. 

Friday, 12 February 2016

Week Beginning 8/09/16

What a collection of performing super stars we have in Year 3! Thank-you to all who came to our class assembly this week. The children were clearly very excited and proud to present their learning to the school and those at home. A fantastic performance by all, well done!

In maths this week, we added a Chinese twist to our current unit on shape by tackling Tangram puzzles in celebration of Chinese new year on Monday. It took lots of perseverance but we decided it was very rewarding when we finally achieved success!

We have also been busy describing and classifying 3D shapes by their proprieties and we even had a go at making some 2D shapes using peg boards, and making 3D shape using; straws and pipe cleaners, clix and polydrhon. 

In history, we have been learning about the clothes of ancient Greece and making some ancient Greek style jewelry. We also had a tasting session, trying some of the foods that would have been available at the time of the accent Greek rule. Such as: figs, feta cheese, honey cakes and olives. Our favourites were the honey cakes and cheese but only a few of us liked the olives!

Well done to Necton Primary quiz team for coming second in the cluster quiz event. Finally, thank-you to FOSA for arranging the valentines disco. We all had a fantastic time! 

Enjoy the break and we look forward to seeing everybody again on the 22nd of February. 

Friday, 5 February 2016

Week beginning 1/02/16

What an exciting week! 

Monday started with another team challenge in the form of a general knowledge quiz. Well done to all the children who were brave enough to sit in front of the school and have their knowledge put to the test. An extra special well done to Barnardo for coming first! 

The Year 3/4 golf team were out on Tuesday competing against other local schools, finishing an impressive 3rd in their competition. Well done team Necton!

Much fun was had by all as we enjoyed a visit from the travelling theatre group Artefacts, performing their production 'Dig it'. Some of Year 3 were even chosen to help act on stage. It was also an honour to be part of the national Sign2Sing day on Friday; raising money for charity by singing and signing.  


This week we have been learning how to start sentences using adverbs, adverbial phrases and fronted adverbials. We have been applying our new skills as we wrote the introduction and build up to our very own versions of The Odyssey by Homer.


Maths has been all about shape this week. We have focused on 2D shapes, extending our knowledge of different quadrilaterals and describing shapes by their properties. We have even had a go at drawing them, making shape logic puzzles and 'what am I games'. We have also been identifying angles that are smaller or larger than a right angle.


We are really enjoying our topic on ancient Greece, as we continued this week by looking at the artistic city state of Athens. We created mosaics, frescoes and jewelry that depict symbols that were important to the ancient Greeks. 

Also, we are having a fantastic response to the Greek homework challenge. Here are just a few of the creative examples that have arrived so far.

In other news, it was lovely see so many parents and carers at the parents evening last Wednesday. I really enjoy the opportunity to share the progression and achievements of this fantastic class and look forward to seeing more of you next Thursday. Also on Thursday, is our class assembly. Come and see what we have been up to this half term as we celebrate our learning with drama and song! Finally, don't forget the valentines disco on Friday 12th Of February, tickets are still available at break times.