Friday, 27 May 2016

Week Beginning 23.05.16

This weeks the blog is written by Mia , Ella , Lucia

We  had a amazing week this week as we went on a class trip to the Amazona zoo in Cromer. It was fantastic to see all of the animals that we have been learning about and visit hot houses and see some of the incredible plants with giant leaves. We had a fantastic day. 


In topic this week, we have had lot's of fantastic homework come in. Isaac even won wonderful work for his amazing top trumps and his phenomenal  folder of work. We have learnt about the humidity and the weather in the rain forests in different countries, we wrote postcards and weather forecasts. We are developing a  strong affection for the rain forest. It is definitely our favourite topic.


In maths this week, we are practising our multiplication with special attention to our time tables and division facts. We have been swapping tips and tricks. We had our own sheets and had to practise them we only had five minutes to do it . We are all trying really hard to know our fives tens, twos, threes, fours and eights and the division facts. What a challenge! We all tried really hard and can see ourselves getting better all the time, we are all fantastic!


In literacy this week, we have been practising our skills of reviewing and editing our work. We have been helping each other mark and improve our writing. We have also been using the computer to write recounts about our trip to Amazona Zoo.  We have been practising our word processing and also put borders around our writing. We liked writing on the computer as we could keep adding things in to improve our work and quickly change mistakes. We tried to include; conjunctions, adjectives, adverbs, powerful verbs, interesting sentence starts, time adverbials and fronted adverbials. Wow!


In  Spanish this week we have been  learning how to say  where we live in Spanish and this is how we say it:
¿Dónde vives? (where do you live)
Yo vivo en una casa en Necton (I live in a house in Necton).


In art we have been looking at scenery in plays and have started to create a massive backdrop for the school play. We had to really listen to each other and work as a team. It was really fun but messy!

Have a fantastic half term holiday everyone and see you on the 6th June.

Friday, 20 May 2016

Week beginning 15.05.2016

This weeks blog is brought to you by Annabel, Courtney and Abria...


In maths this week we have been doing subtraction and we think we have finally cracked it! We have been counting on to find the difference on number lines and can now do subtraction calculations involving 3-digit numbers. Hooray! 


This week in literacy, we have been writing in the style of Joyce  Grenfell. She has a very special way off writing. You only hear what the teacher is saying, but you can guess what the children are saying. Some of our writing was very funny! You can have a look and leave some comments on Pobble, the new platform website that we are using to share our writing. Also, we had a visit from the author Paeony Lewis. 

She came to talk about writing books and showed us how to plan a story. We designed our own character; the morning bird. It was funny when we had to draw our character with our eyes closed. 


In science, we have been looking at a life cycle of  a flowering plant and we learnt the steps of a plant. The stages of a plant are germination, growth and flowering,  pollination, fertilisation and seed dispersal.


In  PE we have been  doing an assault course of athletics  skills. We have been practising a standing jump, shot putt, balance beam, target throwing and bouncing over a small hurdle. 


In art ,we have been making some amazing 3d rain forests  pictures. This week we finished it! We showed the different layers of the rain forest (emergent, canopy, under-story and forest floor) in our artwork. We even added the animals you would find in the right layers. 

In other news...

A big thank-you to everyone who attended our reading cafe on Tuesday. We really enjoyed creating our parrots and enjoying some refreshments with our wider school family. 

Finally, congratulations to those in Year 3 who achieved their swimming skills 2 certificate, merit badges and Hugo for achieving 'Wonderful Work' this week. All that hard work has paid off, Well done!

Friday, 6 May 2016

Week beginning 2/05/16

We've been enjoying the sunshine in Year 3 this week and it's help charge lots of fantastic learning...


We have been enjoying lots of practical work in our maths lessons this week, as we start a new unit on measurement. We have been ordering and measuring amounts of capacity and making a vessel that we estimated to hold 1 litre. Also, we have been measuring accurately using mm and creating bar charts about the different lengths of chocolate buttons. 


In science, we have been checking up on our on-going experiments and recording our observations. We have altered geraniums to see how well they grow if we take away the important factors needed for a healthy plant. Some of the results have been very surprising so far. Watch this space for the full results soon! This week we have also been germinating beans and cress to observe the process of germination up close. 


We have finished all the features of our very own information pages for our class book this week about rainforest animals. We had to think carefully about the layout of our page when putting it all together so the order made sense and was eye catching. 


We wish Year 6 all the best for their tests next week. We are all very proud of how hard you have all worked.