This week has been all about practising and performing: our sporting abilities; our musical talents and our dramatic skills. We have been busy rehearsing for our Key stage 2 summer performance which is coming along brilliantly. We have some fantastic budding young actors and actresses in the cast, and the choir is sounding just stunning. We look forward to showing you are polished production next week.
In Music, we are combining all the skills we have learnt this year as we practice for our end of year viola performance. We have been concentrating on tunes which involving shortening strings to create higher notes and even learning a new round for our performance. A round is a song where groups of us start singing at different points and end at different points too.
Literacy/ Topic
We have been continuing with our persuasive writing. We have been writing in role as pharmacists, construction workers, farmers, conservationists and lots of other people who use the rain forest as a resource. We have been debating the topic of deforestation from different points of view. We have been extending our sentences using conjunctions to explain our reasons and writing supporting sentences to back up our topic sentence creating well structured paragraphs. Phew!
We are revisiting shape for the final time this year. We have been rotating shapes by 90 degrees each turn to create rotated patterns. We have have also been hunting for right-angles and deciding which angles are more or less than 90 degrees.
In other news...
Well, the big news this week has to be sports day. The weather just about held and an amazing time was had by all. Year 3 triumphed taking to their new key stage 2 races perfectly; and it certainly showed what a competitive class we are! Everyone tried their hardest and we all had lots of fun.
A massive well done to all those in Seacole. A real team effort by all to win first place.