Friday, 24 June 2016

Week Beginning 24.06.16

This week has been all about practising and  performing: our sporting abilities; our musical talents and our dramatic skills.   We have been busy rehearsing for our Key stage 2 summer performance which is coming along brilliantly. We have some fantastic budding young actors and actresses in the cast, and the choir is sounding just stunning. We look forward to showing you are polished production next week. 


In Music, we are combining all the skills we have learnt this year as we practice for our end of year viola performance. We have been concentrating on tunes which involving shortening strings to create higher notes and even learning a new round for our performance. A round is a song where groups of us start singing at different points and end at different points too.

Literacy/ Topic

We have been continuing with our persuasive writing. We have been writing in role as pharmacists, construction workers, farmers, conservationists and lots of other people who use the rain forest as a resource. We have been debating the topic of deforestation from different points of view. We have been extending our sentences using conjunctions to explain our reasons and writing supporting sentences to back up our topic sentence creating well structured paragraphs. Phew!


We are revisiting shape for the final time this year. We have been rotating shapes by 90 degrees each turn to create rotated patterns. We have have also been hunting for right-angles and deciding which angles are more or less than 90 degrees.

In other news...

Well, the big news this week has to be sports day. The weather just about held and an amazing time was had by all. Year 3 triumphed taking to their new key stage 2 races perfectly; and it certainly showed what a competitive class we are!  Everyone tried their hardest and we all  had lots of fun. 

A massive well done to all those in Seacole. A real team effort by all to win first place.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Week Beginning 13.06.16

This weeks blog is written by Mia , Ella and Lucia.

This week in maths we have done really well! We have been solving division problems using large numbers. We can now do lots of division facts. Even the three digit ones with remainders. We like chunking using a number line.


This week in geography we have been continuing to learn about the people who live in the rain forest. The tribe I learnt about was the called Tupi tribe. Here is a few thing about the Tupi tribe: they make there body paints from plants and they make there jewelry from animal bones and teeth. The rain forest is a very strange place to live compared to ours! We looked at people who live in a less traditional way but still in the rain forest and compared their lives to ours. There are some similarities like; some still go to school, they enjoy fishing, they look after animals but there are many differences. The differences include; going to school by boat, fishing for piranhas and hunting monkeys.


This week we have been looking at how to write persuasively when debating a point. We have been looking at the arguments for and against cutting down the rain forest. We need the rain forest because it is the habitat for lots of animals and plants and we do not want them to become extinct and also we  can use the plants to make medicines. But  people also use the trees for wood, paper and other ways to make money to feed their families. We are getting ready for a big debate next week. We did a conscience alley where we tried to persuade Mrs Shoat to agree with our opinions. 


In D.T we have been designing our Spanish omelettes. We discussed some of the extra ingredients we could add and thought about how it would effect the appearance, taste and texture.     

In other news...

Well done to Lucia for getting wonderful work for your super persuasive paragraph about saving the rain forest. Remember that it is sports day this coming Thursday. We are looking forward to a massive crowd ready to cheer on your team!

Friday, 10 June 2016

Week Beginning 6.06.16

Welcome back to the final half term of the academic year. This week has been packed with new topics and some interesting and unusual lessons...

On Wednesday, we had a visit from a talented skateboarder who popped in to give us a few tips and teach us some new skills. We donned our protective pads and helmets and were away attempting new tricks. At first it was a little scary but it wasn't long before we were jumping up onto the deck and lifting the board to do turns. We all decided it was something we would love to do again.


We used our new skateboarding knowledge to design our own skateboards and use our persuasive writing skills to write an advert to sell them. This was a great start to our new literacy topic where over the next few weeks we will be extending our persuasive writing  knowledge; focusing on letters of complaint and debates.

We have also been looking at using apostrophes for omission and possession. In spelling, we have been looking at words that are spelt with 'ch' but sounded with 'c' such as; chemist, character and school.


We have been tackling division in maths, scaling down recipes and measurements by multiples of four by halving and halving again. We have also been using number lines to find short cuts when dividing numbers outside the times tables.


The focus in our geography sessions has shifted slightly as we look at the human impact on the rain forest. We started these sessions by learning about some of the indigenous tribes that live in the Amazon rain forest; the Kayapo, Tupi, Panara and Korubo. We enjoyed a high energy information dash to find out about their different cultures, practices and beliefs and presented our findings to the rest of the class.


We finished off the week by starting our new D.T project; making a healthy warm snack. This half term we will be designing our own version of the traditional Spanish omelette. Of course we had to do some taste testing to investigate new some new flavours. We tried traditional Spanish omelette, chorizo, roasted peppers, sun-dried tomatoes and Spanish Manchego cheese.

The results were mixed but we all found something new that we enjoyed.