Wow! What a half-term! I can't believe how much we have got through and the children's level of dedication and ambition. Every challenge has been greeted with enthusiasm, consequently the their achievements have never ceased to amaze me all half-term. Well done year 2/3!
In music, we have learnt a song to help us remember the parts of the viola. Question us and see how much we remember and can describe.
We have been doing lots of writing this week, as we start to use paragraphs in our work by grouping related ideas and information. We have structured our sentences using generalisers as openers and other tools to make the starts of our sentences more engaging for the reader. We have been using conjunctions to add detail and ensuring we us lots of rich description, as we wrote our non-chronological reports about dragons of our own design.
In science we continued our investigations, as we observed the behaviour and strength of different magnets. We looked at which poles attract or repel and tested the strength of a variety of magnets. We were quite surprised when we realised that it was not necessarily the size of the magnet which could hold the longest chain of paperclips.
We had great fun on Friday, making our movable heads using origami to create our own monsters. When we are finished, we are looking forward to attaching our pneumatic system and watching them come alive. Also, well done to Harry for winning the Wonderful Work certificate for his much improved sentence work, whilst writing his dragon report.
In other news...
Another parliament of owls went home this week reading to become home reading buddies. Congratulations on earning 35 stamps and the improvements in reading skills that come with all that hard work.