The week started with a special cooking arranged and delivered by members of the Norse Catering team. We learnt how to make stained glass cookies by melting hard boiled sweets to create a coloured transparent window. We also used an upside down gingerbread man shape to ice some Rudolph gingerbread biscuits.
In literacy, we finished off writing our instructions; making sure we included lots language and layout features. We included: titles, sub-headings, numbered steps, commas in lists, an introduction and top tips. We made our sentences detailed by using time adverbs, conjunctions to explain and adjectives and adverbs to describe.
In maths we have been practising the skills we have learnt this term. We have been solving mixed word problems involving different measure such as length and capacity and Christmas themed problems. We have been working in pairs to discuss the most efficient methods and making sure we are choosing the correct operation to solve the problem.
Tuesday and Wednesday brought the performances for the much anticipated key stage 1 Nativity play. Both performances were a roaring success, as the actors, actresses, readers and singers stunned the crowd with their enthusiastic and confident performances. Well down our year 2 children!
On Wednesday, whilst the year 2 children completed the their final performance, the year 3 children kept themselves busy by learning about Spanish Christmas traditions.
We made these festive little critters, a tradition from the Catalonia region of Spain. They are called Tio de Nadal. It's a very funny tradition, As us to explain!
It was lovely to see so many faces at the church on Thursday for the childrens' Christmas service. Finally thank-you for all your support this year and see you in 2017 for a fresh new term.