Friday, 27 January 2017

Week Beginning 23.01.17


In literacy this week, we have been tracing the life of Howard Carter and his role in the discovery of the mysterious tomb of Tutankhamen. Acting in role, we have spent time learning about the historic archaeological find and identifying the thoughts and feelings of the main people involved. 

Following our trip to Norwich castle, we have been putting our writing skills to the test using a range of conjunctions and and adverbial to write about how to make a mummy. Ask us all about it but be warned, it's pretty disgusting! 


We have been continuing with our work on fractions. We made our way through through Egyptian themed mazes and shared out treasure as we calculate fractions of an amount and fractions of a set of objects. 


This week we have started our new unit on Hockey and really been enjoying using the new equipment to enhance our stick and ball control. 


It may be freezing cold outside, but we have been turning up the heat as we journey to the centre of the Earth to see what is inside our planet. We were surprised to learn that the solid inner core could be as hot as 6000 degrees Celsius. 


We have been taking on the role of archaeologists and Egyptologists, as we looked at a range of evidence; asking questions and trying to build up a picture of the past using sources that would be available. 

Finally, Well done to Amos and Samuel who competed in the second round of the cross country competition and congratulations to the year 3 and 4 gold team coming first in their Tri-golf tournament. What an achievement!  

Friday, 20 January 2017

Week Beginning 16.01.17

Well it's the weekend and I think all of Seahorse class deserve a rest after another full week of learning. 

This week in numeracy, we have been tackling fractions. We have been using the computers as we identified and showed fractions of a shape. Comparing fractions is tricky but we decided it really helps if you chop up and share out Curly Wurlys between groups of children helping us visualise how to  to help order and compare fractions. Would you rather have two eighths of a Curly Wurly or a half? We continue our work on fractions next week by finding fractions of an amount, investigating tenths and starting to add fractions. 

In literacy we have been doing sentence and word work in preparation for our next writing unit: diary entries and writing in role. We have been looking at conjunctions and adverbials, making our sentences really precise. 

The highlight of the week was definitely our trip to Norwich castle for our ancient Egyptian themed activity day. We learnt all about: the daily life of an ancient Egyptian through drama and role play; Egyptian jewelry making; mummification and handled artefacts that were over 3000 years old. Here are some of the highlights of the day...