Friday, 31 March 2017

Week Beginning 27.03.17

Where has the time gone! Another term has flown by, as we start our Easter break and Seahorse class have definitely earned it, with all the hard work they have been doing this term.

We have really enjoyed literacy this week as we have been writing our very own myths. Not to shy away from a challenge, we have written an extra chapter for the 'The Odyssey' by the classic writer Homer. We have been: organising our writing into paragraphs; using fronted adverbials; including expanded noun phrases and inserting subordinating conjunctions. Phew! What a lot to remember! It has been worth the hard work though because our end results are just fantastic. If you would like to read some of our stories just pop in after school. 

In maths, we have been problem solving. We have been thinking about which method to use when solving mixed operation word problems and deciding which is the most efficient method for different problems. We have also been driving ourselves a little bit potty with magic square puzzles; using lots of trial and error before finding the right answer. 

We have really enjoyed our 'Ancient Times' topic this term and will quite sad to move on. We finished off our work by looking at different types of artefacts and seeing what we could learn from them and how archaeologists build up a picture of the past. 

The seahorses became the teachers in science this week as Miss Palmer handed over control of the learning to the class. We were given the name of a famous scientist and had to work as tam to research all about their life and achievements and create a way of presenting this information to the class. We all learnt a lot and and showed just what we could achieve when we all worked together. 

Finally,  a massive thank-you to those who came to share in Easter celebrations at the local church. I think you will agree, the Seahorses gave a stunning performance of their poem prayers; showing off their reading skills and delivering with such confidence in front of so many people.Well done!  

Friday, 24 March 2017

Week beginning 20.03.17


We have had a fantastic week this week in literacy designing our own mythical island. We have been  drawing our ideas and describing features using expanded noun phrases and giving a guided tour of our islands. We have been looking at sentence starts and experimenting with opening them in a variety of ways. Such as starting with: an expanded noun phrase, starting with a preposition, time adverb or even a fronted adverbial. Of course we have been selecting adventurous adjectives too!


In maths, we have been getting our head around some mental methods for calculating. We have been using our knowledge of partitioning to add and subtract near multiples of 10 and 100 by rounding and adjusting and we have been identifying the operation in multiplication and division word problems.


We have been getting groovy with the ancient Greek gods and we have been working together to create fact books. 


In PE we have been working on our body control  and core strength as we learn new moves in yoga. 

In other news...don't forget our Easter celebration is taking place next week on Wednesday 29th March at 9:15 am in Necton church. The children will be singing, performing poems and reading prayers and everybody is welcome!

Friday, 17 March 2017

Week Beginning 13.03.17

It's been an explosive this week in Necton Primary School as we have enthusiastically embraced British Science Week. Everyday we have been forming hypothesis, conducting experiments and discussing results based around the topic of change.  

On Monday we looked at different states of matter during our changing matters session. We identified, sorted and classified different solids, liquids and gases and observed some of the changes between the states. We then mixed cornflour and water to make a strange paste that acted like a solid under pressure but once released flowed like a liquid. Weird!

Tuesday, we were helping to save the world, as we looked at our changing environment by learning about the greenhouse affect and what affect it had on penguin populations in the South Pole. We joined an online, international data collection experiment to help count the penguins in different colonies, so scientists can monitor their health. We loved looking at all of the icy webcam pictures and tagging all of the penguins that we could see. If you would like to have a go at home, just visit and get counting!

On Wednesday we got a little bit artistic as we observed some changing colours. We watched food colouring and washing up liquid battle for control over the surface area of a plate a milk and made some glorious patterns as we watched the ingredients in skittles spread out into water making colourful solutions fit for an art gallery wall. 

Thursday and Friday we looked at changing materials as we combined two materials to see what reaction we could get. We watched as we created the now classic coke bottle fountain, when a Mento mint encouraged the bubbles go crazy and jet into the sky. Our favorite experiment was definitely when we made our own lava lamps by mixing oil, water food colouring and effervescent tables. Ask us all about the science we observed. 

Of course we have still packed the week with our normal lessons from the curriculum designing and describing mythical creatures ready for our ancient myth writing next week as we learn all about our hero Odysseus in The Odyssey. 

In maths, we have been tackling written methods for multiplication and division by calculating with two and three digit numbers. 

In other news, well done Mikey for getting Wonderful Work this week for your excellent scientific insights during our class discussions. 

Saturday, 4 March 2017

Week Beginning 27.02.17

What a fantastic World Book Day! Everybody in the Seahorse class made a fantastic effort with their costume and we had a lovely time guessing who everybody had dressed up as. The clues were very imaginative and cryptic. We had an excellent range of costumes and I think we have all learnt about some new books that we would want to read soon. 


We have had great fun in literacy this week as we wrote our very own play scripts. We started by writing a story map. Some of us chose to write an alternative ending to a play we have been studying and others rose to the challenge of turning a complete story into a play script. some even chose to change a Greek myth! We made sure we included all the key features and even had a go acting them out to make sure they worked.  


In science, we got up close with the soil beneath our feet. We collected soil from different parts of the school and made some careful observations using magnifying glasses and thought about why soil is different, what it is made up of and why it is so important. 


In numeracy, we have been finishing off our work using the column method. We have been practising subtraction with double exchanges, using the inverse to check our calculations and  identifying the operation needed in mixed word problems.