Saturday, 14 October 2017

Week Beginning 9.10.17

As we speed towards half term Seahorse class have moved into top gear with their learning as we have been solving problems, experimenting and getting creative with our writing. 


In English this week, we have been having lots of fun as we take on the role of dragon hunters. We have been designing our own dragons as we researched ideas, held brainstorming sessions and did lots of role play as dragon trainers. We have 'boxed-up our ideas' and we are ready for our big write next week: creating a whole information report using paragraphs, interesting sentence starts, conjunctions and lots of imaginative ideas. 


The past couple of weeks have been all about addition and subtraction as we have sharpened our skills by mentally taking away 1, 2 and 3-digit numbers from hundreds numbers. We have been counting on and back and using our knowledge of partitioning. We have learnt a new written method for adding called the column method and we just love how we can quickly calculate with larger numbers. 


We have been experimenting with magnets in science, testing the strength of a magnetic force and discovering whether shape or size make a difference to the strength. Ask us about our results. 


was very exciting this week as we got our violas out for the first time this year and learnt how to hold them correctly in the rest and playing position. 


In art we have been learning all about colour theory and mixing. We have looked at the colour wheel in detail and experimented with tint and shade. 

In other news...

There is a FOSA AGM Thursday 19th October at 6.00pm at the school. If you would like to get more involved with parent parent fundraising and school events such as the Christmas and Summer fetes and school discos then pop along.