Monday, 1 October 2018

Welcome to the New Academic Year!

It looks like it is going to be a fantastic year for year 3 this year. The Seahorse class have come back to school full of enthusiasm and excited to learn. Have a look at some of the topics and subjects we have been starting the academic year with... 


In maths we have been getting practical, using lots of equipment to demonstrate and further our understanding of place value. We have been identifying the value of each digit in four-digit numbers, sequencing and finding 10 and 100 more or less than a given number. 

We have also started our weekly Maths Whizz sessions. Remember these games and lessons can also be accessed from home! 


In English we have been securing our knowledge of word classes such as nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. We have been playing lots of games to help with our understanding. Ask us, can we give you examples of each of them? 

We also started the day with a surprise as we found some tiny  paint footsteps leading up to a tiny secret door. We used this mysterious visitor as inspiration to learn about time adverbs when writing recounts and write character descriptions.


It has been all about developing our map skills in our geography topic about the UK so far, as we locate important cities and rivers using atlases and google maps. We also had a closer look at the place names of our local area and traced the meaning of the names back to historical settlers from the Roman, Viking and Saxon ages. Did you know that the ton in Necton come from an ancient Saxon word meaning farmstead? We do now!


Science has also been very hands on, as we get to grips with the different forces of push, pull and twist in our new topic 'Forces and Magnets' . We identified different types of forces in action and learnt that forces can be increased or decreased to affect the movement of a paper plane.

We have also been doing lots of investigations with magnets. Testing different materials and different shapes and sizes to see what, if anything, affects their strength.


We are also enjoying our music lessons with Miss Furnell, our professional musician teacher, as we learn the ukulele.

Saturday, 9 June 2018

Week beginning 4/06/18

It's been another busy start to the half-term in seahorse class. Here is a few of the the things we have been learning about recently...


In English, we have been enjoying our topic on persuasive writing. We have been looking at all of the techniques used in different medias to persuade us to buy something. We used these techniques to perform adverts that we had created to sell some unusual objects.

Crossing over into our topic of the rainforest, we have been looking at the controversial subject of deforestation. It was sad to learn that many rainforest habitats are being destroyed through deforestation. At first, we could not understand why, but through our topic on persuasion and debate we have been thinking about other peoples way of life and point of view. We are using our ability to write in role and create sentences with persuasive sentence starts, conjunctions and clauses that explain others point of view in preparation for a debate next week. 


In maths, we have been learning all about 3D shapes. We have been learning the names of 3D shapes and describing them by their properties such as: number and shape of their faces and number of edges and vertices. We enjoyed using our technical skills to make monster models of shapes by recognising their nets and making skeletons of their shapes using straws and pipe cleaners. 


One of the highlights this week was our visit to Amazona zoo. It was great to see all of the animals we had been learning about and have the opportunity to talk with experts. 

Finally, it is the Seahorse class assembly on Wednesday 13th June. The doors open at 2.35pm ready for a 2:40pm start. It would be lovely to see as many people as possible to come and share some of the subjects we had been learning about this term.