We have had a fantastic start to the summer term with lots of visitors helping us with our learning already.
The English and maths sections of this blog this week have been brought to you by Ella and Lilly.
We have really enjoyed learning about the layers of the rainforest. We wrote about the layers of the rainforest organising our writing into paragraphs, using sub-headings and making sure we include information about all of the layers such as: the emergent layer, canopy, understory and forest floor. look at our write up about the layers of the rainforest!
Also, we've each chosen a rainforest animals to research about, which you might think is easy, but it is not! We have had to learn lots of scientific vocabulary. We are using ICT to search efficiently and we are going to use the information we find out to write our very own information pages. We have been looking at the layout of information texts to give us some ideas.
Last week we had a visit from people from Natwest bank helping with our maths and giving us lots to think about, such as how money is used and spent and the difference between wants and needs.
We have learning about how to covert unit of measure. It is very hard for the class to do. Most children are becoming confident with what we are doing. We have a lot to remember like how many cm in a m and how many g in a kg and that is even before we do any calculations!
Also, we have been investigating pentominoes. Using vocabulary such as rotate, reflect, flip and tessellate. Ask us and see how much we remember!
We have just finished our layered art work like the pictures above and we have spent this week learning about brush control and detail, as we use insects from the rainforest and their beautiful patterns as inspiration to create detailed decorated origami insects.
We have started our science topic on plants by dissecting daffodils and learning all of the parts a flowering part needs to produce. We have also designed and set up our own experiments to find our what exactly cress seeds need to germinate.
We are very lucky to have Kevin in our P.E lessons at the moment to give us some professional coaching on our cricket skills. Learning how to bowl overarm, catch efficiently, bat and collect runs.
In other news...
We had a really interesting time with the people from the Norfolk Records Office on our Norfolk Welcomes day, as we learnt all about the history of refugees in our county.
Finally, Well done to the choir for giving it their all at the Norfolk big sing this week. The sun was shining and a fantastic time was had by all singing along with pop stars at the Norfolk show ground.