Thursday, 30 January 2020


Have a look at the learning going on in seahorse class so far this Spring Term...


We are really enjoying our new History topic 'Ancient Times', as we investigate this terms enquiry question 'What can we learn from ancient civilisations?' The Ancient Egyptians have us enthralled, as we have been learning how we order time periods on a chronological time line by making human time lines and ordering major events in history. We have been learning about their religious beliefs; recreating the ancient Egyptian creation story through role play and researching their thoughts on Gods, all whilst reflecting upon our own beliefs. We even learnt about some of their rituals and ceremonies and had fun recreating the mummification process. Ask us all about how it is done! We are all looking forward to our trip to the Norwich castle Egyptian Exhibit next week. Check back soon to see photographs of the day and catch all the action. 


In maths, we have learning all about written methods for multiplication and division using the column method and bus stop method. We have been learning about money by looking at the value of coins, comparing amounts, and applying our addition and subtraction skills to solve problems, calculate totals and find change. We are looking forward to some more practical maths as we move onto another measure unit: length and perimeter. 


It has been a lot to remember thinking about all the rules for using inverted commas as we create dialogue between characters and add direct speech to our writing. Ask us. Can we remember them all? As part of our history learning, we have been researching all about the Swaffham local hero Howard Carter and his nail-biting discover of Tutankhamen's tomb. Our strong acting skills have helped us use our body to describe to a reader how we are feeling, as we write diary entries in role as Howard Carter himself  making the world famous discovery. 


In science, we have been thinking deeply about light. We have thought about sources of light, how to stay safe in the sun and all about the invisible rays of Ultra Violet. We have learnt how some colours and materials appear brighter than others and using our knowledge of how we see, have been explaining the words retro-reflective and fluorescent and how they appear brighter to the human eye.