Friday, 24 April 2020

Week beginning 20.04.2020

Hello Seahorse class! What an excellent start back to the home learning summer term and I have had lots of fantastic examples of home learning sent my way already. Have a look to see if you can spot your own and see what some of your friends have been up to. 

This week's wonderful work gallery...

Ava has been busy with this beautifully presented range of work. She has even made her own newspaper page about home learning...

Charles has been working hard on his handwriting, whilst getting stuck into his reading comprehension...

Look who has had some help from the dog to complete lots of rainforest themed activities!

Some more beautifully illustrated work, this time from Huey a with his monkey kenning poem. Superb!

Getting active outside, enjoying the sunshine but also making some time for some rainforest themed modelling.

More fabulous illustrations and neat work from Oliver...

Just look at these beautifully folded origami butterfliles...

A stunning rhyming tree with loads of rhyming words discovered. Excellent work!

Finally, some kennings created by Daniel. Can you guess which rainforest animal they are describing?
a canopy viewer
a fruit feeder
a noise maker
a colourful companion
a flock flyer

a river dweller
a living fossil
a hungry hunter
a patient predator
a sneaky snapper
a deadly danger

Well done everyone! Enjoy your weekend and I look forward to hearing from you next week.:0)

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Week beginning 30.03.2020

Wow! I'm am just so impressed with how well you are doing with your home learning. I think you all deserve a very earned rest. I hope you have a fantastic Easter break and do lots of fun activities with your family. 

Here are few photographs I have received this week of Seahorse class at work and play!

A last minute photograph before the holidays. Look who's popped up to share a smile and say hello!

Testing out their building skills and family teamwork. It's time to build a fort complete with a pull up bucket to serve up lunch!

Some fantastic work from Archie who has been reading 'The Creakers' by Tom Fletcher and using it as inspiration for some super English work. 

Look who's been getting creative painting a rainbow for the rainbow trail. Also, plenty of stunning maths and English work to show.

Chilling in the sunshine after a good mornings work!

Finally some beautiful artwork inspired by the artist Andy Goldsworthy.

Have fun, take care and speak to you very soon! :0)