Friday, 22 January 2016

Week Beginning 19.01.16

In music this week, we have been putting our rhythmic, timing and note knowledge to to the test and plucking along to songs such as 'Skip to my Lou'. We have also been playing lots of games with our bows to strengthen our upper arm muscles.  

Mrs Bull brought in lots of unusual religious objects and artifacts this week. We had fun guessing what they might be used for in our R.E lesson. 

Maths this week brought a lot of laughs as we started our new unit on shape, space and measure. We started looking for symmetry in shapes and objects. We looked at pictures of ourselves and what we would look like if our faces were completely symmetrical! 

Art was challenging this week, when we attempted to paint a mini fresco in response to ancient Greek artwork. We pasted a board with plaster and painted into it using powdered paint. Its was really tricky working with the watery materials but we think we have produced some fantastic tributes to the ancient Greek Gods.

In Literacy, we have been continuing to look at a variety of Greek myths; such as Theseus and the Minotaur and Persephone and Hades. We discussed the characteristics and attributes of the ancient Greek heroes and Gods. We reflected on our own lives and thought about times that we needed to be courageous and who we got encouragement from.

Finally, congratulations to Isaac this week who achieved his red Merit badge after a lot of hard work! Well done!

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