Friday, 29 September 2017

Week Beginning 25.09.17

It's been a week of investigation and discovery this week at Necton Primary School.


It's been Inspirational Maths Week this week and we have all been enjoying a week of games and problem solving activities focusing on making mistakes, persevering and making our brains grow!

We started the week by looking at emoji data and thinking of different ways to sort and organise information. We also looked at shape properties and ordered data sticking to a set of rules working together as we went.

Also, we have been finding all possibilities, as we looked at different ways of counting and building different shapes. We discovered that we all approach problems in different ways and we all visualise maths differently; there are many ways to solve a problem! 

It was really tricky working with others sometimes and explaining our understanding as we made 2D and 3D shapes with string in groups of four; explaining our ideas and describing our understanding. 

Ending a week with a game of finding the total, we discovered that we must make mistakes to learn and improve our understanding and develop strategies. We realised that it's great when we get things wrong and make mistakes because that is how we learn. 


We memorised an entire story this week! We can even tell it to you without looking at any words. Ask us about 'Mokey See, Monkey Do!', we can now tell you a funny story off by heart! We then developed our writing skills by looking at sentence structures and retelling it in the most interesting way possible. Most importantly, we revisted our work to improve and edit it, to make it the best we possibly could. 


We are getting more and more confident with out atlas skills, as we located some of the important rivers and seas in and around the U.K. We also learnt how to read ordinance survey maps; recognising symbols and features that tell us more about our local area. 


Continuing our investigations we looked at how different surfaces affected the force of friction. 

We also conducted an experiment investigating reducing friction using: oil, bananas and chopsticks. Ask us about it. Can we explain the results?

In other news...

As the harvest season is upon us, we looked at the word harvest and tried to find as many words as we could using just the letters in the word harvest. We came up with 53! We thought about the different words which are related to the season such as SHARE and CARE and adapted a poem to perform in the church. We hope you can all make it first thing  Wednesday 4th of October to watch our class performance and celebrate the season at the local church with Rev. Thorpe.   

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