Thursday, 29 March 2018

Wow! I just wanted to say well done for a fabulous last few days. Thank-you to all who to made it to the church for our Easter Celebration. I think we can all agree the children's performances were just stunning. 

The whole of Seahorse looked fantastic in their book character costumes on our belated World Book Day. The activities such as: creating book covers, making book marks and even a visit to Swaffham library were thoroughly enjoyed by all. 

Happy Easter everybody and looking forward to seeing you all on April 16th ready for the summer term.  

Friday, 23 March 2018

Week beginning 19.03.18

As Easter rapidly approaches here is a quick round up of our most recent learning activities and events.

Let's start with a few photographs from the share cafe. It was lovely to spend time with so many parents, grandparents and carers; enjoying stories and some creative activities such as making ushabtis and painting frescos.  


The past topic has been all about measure, as we have been using the units for measuring length, mass, capacity and even angles. Ask us if we can remember the units for each one. We have been reading a variety of scales, estimating and problem solving to develop our skills. This week we have been learning about turns and hunting for right-angles. 


We have been writing in role as Howard Carter, our local celebrity, as we learn how to write diary entries. We have described, in the detail, the momentous day that we discovered the lost tomb of Tutankhamen.  It was great to see all of the skills we have learnt so far this year come together to produce fantastic work that included rich descriptions of the authors thoughts and feelings. 


We have really been enjoying our topic of the ancient Egyptians this half term. We have: used press release clippings as evidence to build up a picture of the past,  held mummification ceremonies, learnt about the different farming seasons and how it affected their lives and discovered all about life in as an ancient Egyptian.  

In other news..

We all had a great time on Friday racing around the field for an obstacle course in aid of sports relief.

A massive well done to year 3/4 cheerleading team for such a successful cheer event.

This half term has produced an extremely high standard of creative challenge homework including: masks and model pyramids, salt dough models, mummies in sarcophaguses, model houses and fantastic fact displays. We even had a mummified tomato and some mummy cupcakes! Super effort everybody! 

Finally, don't forget to help us round off the spring term with our Easter celebration at the church on Wednesday 28th March. Come and listen to us perform some prayers, poems and readings and join in with a few songs. 

Norwich Castle Visit

More photographs as promised...

Arriving at the castle and learning about the day ahead. We were posed the question 'Is is right to disturb an ancient tomb?' which gave us lots to think about throughout the day.

 Making Egyptian collars and learning about the significance of all of the different coloured stones.

 A day in the life of an ancient Egyptian role play...

All dressed up and ready to grind the corn for flat bread.

The women washed the linen in the River Nile.

While the men worked on the farmers cutting the corn.

All ready for the royal procession! All hail Tutankhamen!

Osiris the god of the afterlife.

 Handling actual artefacts thousands of years old and wondering what they could have been used for.

 Learning the mummification process.

 Hunting for artefacts and meeting a real mummy.