*************New Share Café Date!***********
The Seahorse class share café has been rescheduled for Wednesday 21st of March at 9:00am and the session should last just over an hour. We hope this new morning slot will work for as many as possible. Come and hear some tales and make some crafts based on this terms topic of ancient Egypt.
A new date for World Book Day is currently being arranged for towards the end of term and we will notify you as soon as possible, when everybody concerned has confirmed.
We all had a fantastic time at Norwich castle on Monday increasing our knowledge of the ancient Egyptian civilisation thorough hands on activities. We made jewellery and learnt about the significance of certain colours. We acted out daily life wearing costumes, learnt how to make a mummy and handled real artefacts over 3000 years old. The highlight of the day was meeting the museum resident mummy from 2500bc! Check back to the blog early next week for photos of the day.
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