
We have really been enjoying our class non-fiction reading book 'Survivors' by David Long. It's all about people who have survived extreme experiences ,such as being lost in the dessert or floating adrift on the ocean. It has inspired us to write our very own survival guides. We have been learning how to write engaging introductions, full instructions and explanation texts that could help others to survive in the wild. We have included some of our new skills such as: bullet points, engaging sentences starts, conjunctions to explain and prepositions. As we carry on with our current topic of 'Travel and Adventure', we will be moving on to writing biographies of our favourite outdoors adventurers.
The past few weeks have been all about place value, as we have been getting our head around large numbers into the thousands. We now know the value of each number in a 4-digit number and we have been using this knowledge to order, sequence and compare numbers. We are building on these skills to add and subtract 1, 10 and 100 to any number. We are continuing our number and calculations skills, as we head into formal written methods for addition and subtraction before tackling multiplication and division.
We have really been enjoying our science topic this term as it has involved lots of hands on experiments, observations and investigations. We have super charged paper aeroplanes with elastic bands as we investigated different forces.We have tested the affect of friction on different surfaces with the help of a car rally, jelly, cooking oil and chopsticks! We have been testing the strength of magnets and discovering magnetic materials. Our next topic of 'Rocks and Soils' should be just s surprising and interesting.
Our pitched instruments this year are the recorder and the glockenspiel. We have been learning all about high, medium and low pitch and playing melodies in time with our music teacher Mrs. Lockheart.
Our religious studies this term have helped take us around the globe, whilst starting with examining our community and what community means to us.
We have looked at the religion of Islam in the community and have been comparing our daily lives to that of the Islam community. Learning about the origins of the religion and discovering the five pillars of Islam, as we reflect upon five values which are important to ourselves.
In geography we have been building on our Year 2 knowledge of the United Kingdom by looking at human features of the UK such as counties and cities and natural features such as rivers and topography. We have been looking at what makes each area of the UK special and using mapping software in IT sessions to explore the British Isles and look at land-use.
We have lots to look forward in the up coming half term including our first reading cafe of the year and a trip out to Walsingham.
Keep checking back to see what we have been up to in Seahorse class and don't forget to follow us on twitter @nectonseahorses .
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