In literacy this week, we have been working on word classes. We have spent lots of time sorting, identifying, researching and playing games based around: nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs.
We have also started our first literacy topic; newspaper reports. We have been discussing the layout, the purpose of the key features, the type of language used and the content.
For example; in + visible = invisible
Look at the spelling sheet sent home this week to learn and memorize more examples. Can you think of any more?
We have been continuing with our place value work as we made human number lines, placing 3-digit numbers in the correct position. We have also been comparing and ordering numbers. We have also started some addition and subtraction by adding or subtracting 10 and 100 to any number.
In geography this week, we learnt how to use an Atlas to look for the major capital cities of the U.K. We created a map for Uncle Travelling Matt to help him with his upcoming visit it to the U.K after we received a post card from him asking for our help with his adventures.
We have learnt lots of new vocabulary in P.E that will help us with our performing our positions, balances and rolls, as we make up our own gymnastic routines. Ask us to explain or demonstrate some of these terms: pike, straddle, tuck, cannon, unison, match and mirror.
In other news...
Congratulations to Ceona, Meaghan, James and Olivia being the first in the class to receive the prestigious Pen Licence. They have proved they can write with all their letters in the correct orientation, size and accurately joined. Well done.
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