Welcome parents, carers, friends and family to our Year 2/3 blog. Our class has had a fantastic start to the school year; renewing friendships, sharing summer holiday stories and enjoying lots of new learning opportunities.
On Monday, the Year 3's were excited to meet Mrs Furnell: our specialist music teacher. We discovered that we have a very musical year group this year, as we worked on keeping a steady beat and holding a rhythm. This is all in preparation for when we start to learn the viola in a few weeks.
Another new lesson for Year 3! We started off our Spanish lessons by learning how to greet people in Spanish. I'm sure if you asked them, your child would be willing to give you a performance of the 'Hola' song we have learnt.
In maths this week, we have been tackling place value. We have been writing large numbers using digits and words and partitioning numbers, making sure we know which each digit in a number represents. Times tables sheets will be going home next week, so don't forget to learn those multiplication tables together at home to earn the gold, silver and bronze award stars. We even investigated pentominoes, trying to find all the solution to a problem during our problem solving lesson this week. Ask us to find out more!
Over the next couple of weeks we will be progressing with our place value knowledge and our adding and subtraction strategies. You can find more information about the methods used in the classroom on the school website in the calculation guide.
As an introduction to our Fantasy and Adventure theme that will be running this term, we have been working with absorbent and water repellent materials to create a fearsome Hippocrump's eye. We got the inspiration for our work from the poem about the hideous Hippocrump monster by James Reeves.
In our class this year, along with myself, we are fortunate to have the talented support of Mrs Pierce, Mrs Higson and Mrs Fitz-Partick. If you have any queries, concerns or questions please feel free to find one of us at the end of the school day.
We have P.E on Tuesday and Thursday where a full kit will be needed to ensure safe learning. On the days we do not have P.E, we will be running to complete our weekly 5K challenge, so trainers are essential everyday, thank-you. In addition, our swimming day is Wednesday where your child will swim every fortnight.
Thank-you so much for your continued help and support.I look forward to what will surely be, another exciting and enjoyable year at Necton Primary School.
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