Friday, 7 July 2017

Week Beginning 3.07.17


In literacy, we have been revising lots of the different punctuation and grammar that we have learnt over the past academic year such as: plurals, nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, expanded noun phrases, present perfect tense, inverted commas and fronted adverbials. We put our skills to the test and had plenty of giggles using Mad Libs to create silly stories. 

We also continued our letters to the president of Honduras; structuring a formal letter. We wrote clear introductory paragraphs and powerful sentences explaining out point of view. 


We have been revisiting fractions for the final time this year using fraction walls and finding equivalent fractions to complete equivalent fraction colour by fraction pictures. 


In Music, the year 3s have been putting together lots of performance pieces that showcase all of the skills we have been building this year whilst learning the viola. We look forward to performing our concert to the school and parents on Monday 17th July at 11.30am. 

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