Friday 11 March 2016

Week Beginning 7.03.16

This blog for this week is by Bethanie.


In maths this week, we have been starting  our unit on fractions. We have been ordering and comparing fractions and looking at how big the are. It got tricky when the numerator and the denominator weren't the same. We found a very clever trick that was when the numerator is closer to the denominator, it means that the fraction is closer to a whole. 
In literacy this week we have been looking at the Egyptian Creation Story. We looked at different animations of it. We retold the story orally, created a comic and completed a written version focusing on time adverbials and conjunctions. Some people had a go at creating  their own! It was super fun and we also compared different versions of it. We wished we could do it again! We looked at how we have improved and Miss Palmer said our writing was amazing and is becoming a  very high quality.

In history, we have been learning more about Ancient Egypt. We went to the computer suite to research about the different gods and Miss Palmer re-created the mummification process on Iwan! We completed created a 'How to Make a Mummy' fact sheet. We learned about hieroglyphic and had a go at writing secret messages.  
Art and Science
We had another lesson that was a mixture of subjects again this week. In science we have been investigating how a shadow is formed, we looked at the different shadows of opaque, translucent and transparent materials. We also designed an experiment to investigate what affects the size and shape of a shadow. 

Finally, we created shadow profiles of ourselves. Can you guess who we are? 

In music we have been looking at where the notes go on the piece of paper when reading music. We learned that a crochet is worth one beat and a minim is worth two beats. When we say 'worth' we mean how long you hold it for. For example, a minim has to be held on for two beats, and a crochet has to be hold on for one beat. It was tricky but we really enjoyed it!

Finally, well done to Sam for achieving his silver merit badge and Bethany her bronze. Also, to Ben for receiving the Sportasaurus reward for good teamwork. 

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